Onion Blog

    For this week, we needed to do a blog on a satire article from The Onion. I chose the article on Norway hiding its standard of living from other countries. 
    This article talks about Norway downplaying its standard of living in order to make the other nations to not feel too bad. The amount of irony this article has is absolutely insane. It starts of by saying "Norway did not wish to rub it in" while proceeding to give a completely rundown on why it's better than every single country. But to be honest, this does reflect many countries, mainly the US. While yes, it is true that US has a pretty developed economy compared to probably every other country, that does not necessarily make it THE BEST country. But guess how the media portrays America? As the utopia of everyone's dreams. It has become so prevalent that statistics show hundreds of thousands of people immigrating to this country in hopes for a better life. This is pretty much what the article is trying to show, in this case it uses Norway as an example. Norway thinks it is understating their "pros" but in reality, they are just exaggerating themselves. We can connect this ideology to commercials as well, majority of the popular brands are not really as perfect as we make it out to be. But in their commercials, we see them highlighting their so-called benefits so much that their flaws are overlooked. This is essentially the summary of the point trying to be made in the article.


  1. I like how you had your own take on the article as when I read it I didnt have the same thoughts as you. I also liked how you broke the analysis down part by part.

  2. I liked how you were able to adopt your own personal style in your analysis. For example, your use of rhetorical questions.

  3. I liked your connections with this ideology. The irony and exaggeration throughout this article only emphasizes the satirical nature of the piece and how things are "not really as perfect as we make it out to be".

  4. I like your final statement regarding the how exaggeration of the benefits results the flaws being overlooked.


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