Language and It's Effects

     This week we read a couple of pieces that focused on language and how it affects peoples' lives.  This really interested me because I myself have seen and experienced how much language can impact someone's life.

    Language and English in general is by far my favorite class!! (no sarcasm whatsoever). I just love walking into a classroom and seeing an inner circle and outer circle of desks. But I have to admit, English did teach me the importance of language in everyday life. This made me research more on language and its effects on people. 

    Firstly, what are the possible downsides in not having good literacy skills? Well biologically speaking, literacy skills are directly related to a various number of skills such as visual memory, visuomotor skills, visuospatial skills, and etc. So, the downside of not trying to develop literacy skills? All these parts of the brain not being activated. I used to just "like" writing because I wanted a good grade. But the more and more I participated in the insufferable seminars, the more I realized that this might unironically help me in my day-to-day life. Never would I have envisioned myself saying that I actually somewhat like English. Plus, developing the ability to analyze other works helps in learning many lessons that can even be applied in real life. Learning languages also makes it so much easier for communicating with people of other nationalities as well, making travelling a completely different experience to enjoy and allowing to make many more connections. Learning about all this made me realize that literacy skills are important for a reason, they allow connections to be made, lessons to be learned, and overall help improve the quality of life. Maybe this time I will actually like participating in a seminar.

(this image is meant to be satirical)


  1. I liked your second paragraph, especially the "inner circle and outer circle of desks" because it was funny and very relatable.

  2. I enjoyed your sarcasm and unique voice when discussing the topic of English and how it affects your life. I definitely agree with you and I feel the same about English.

  3. This was a little funny. I liked the image that you used and especially the second paragraph.

  4. I liked how you described your epiphany of the benefits of language. I too very much love English.


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