Post modernism and Technology

     Modernism was the time period in the twentieth century where the whole world changed. It was the age of change and innovation. Some of these innovations are so commonly used that you would not expect for them to be invented so recently. Some of these inventions include the vacuum cleaner, the television and even the band aid (I don't know how people survived without band aids before the 1900s though). Modernism was not limited to only these things though, it also had a lot of influence on the technological side as well. In fact, the first ever robot was built in the 1920s. But innovations were not limited to the age of modernism. Humanity only advanced as the years went by. Especially the post-modernism era, giving birth to a variety of technological advancements such as the invention of the first computer, mobile phone, and arguably the most significant creations of all, java and python.

    Now what is the significance of these handy dandy inventions? Well to begin with the most obvious, computers, mobile phones, and vacuum cleaners alike made life so much easier for everyone. Less work for chores meant more free time for people. Moving on, java and python, the creation of these languages sparked a chain reaction that has effects to even present day. Coding has given birth to new professions and resulted in more advancements in artificial intelligence, military technology, automobiles, and so much more. While this is eye-opening and all, how does this connect to a random teenager. Well let's think about it this way, while modernism was a huge catalyst for the advancement of humanity, it essentially was a result of "thinking outside the box" or a group of people going against the social norms and pursued experimentalism. While you probably will not change the whole world (or maybe you can), the theory behind modernism can be applied to your life. That is, a change of thought, or following your passion even though it might be against the social norms might be enough to cause a ripple effect in your own life for the better.


  1. I like how you focused on the more positive impacts Moderinism had on society and how you branched that off to explain how much it impacted our technology in today's world.

  2. I like how you explained how modernism changed our world over time and caused it to develop in ways that may have been very different if it wasn't for modernism itself.

  3. It’s very interesting how you found a theme of modernism and wrote about how it can be applied in the real world right now. I agree with you on how people should pursue their own passions and opinions instead of constantly conforming to society. This relates to the synthesis essay that we wrote about the power of the individual because if no one stands up for their own opinions, nothing in society will change. Basicallly, during the modernist era, if no one decided to become a modernist, then many inventions would not exist right now.

  4. I thought it was very interesting how you took on a perspective of modernism that and dug in deeper to such a topic

    1. And in addition I really like the discussion on coding languages and the development of said technology.

  5. I liked how you referenced different examples even beyond the era of modernism. Therefore, you said that java and python had a ripple effect, improving AI, computers, and other forms of technology. You also did an exceptional job at tying this in with how it could be applied to the reader. I liked how you said that we could all, at the very least, cause a change in our own lives.

  6. I really like how you combined the the concept of modernism with the ideas from the "individual change" unit. I agree that the advancements of humanity that we see today come from groups of people that poke and prod at the barriers that we think that limit us.


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