Great Gatsby Fan Fic

 This week we had to write a fan-fiction for The Great Gatsby. For this I decided to "continue" the story from a 3rd point of view through the actions of Henry C. Gatz.

    Under the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg, an old man could be seen walking into a coffee joint. Looking around, he sees a young man running the store. Gatz immediately walks upto him, asking about the recent affairs of interest. Talking about the events, the young man hesitantly mentions Wilson, intriguing the old man. "Tell me more about him" questions the old man, sliding a few coins across the table. Seeing the coins, Michael's (the young man's name) eyes lit up, "Oh that poor man, he was heartbroken at the murder of his wife and killed Gatsby before killing himself. But I'm tellin' you right now sir, it was all the Buchanans' fault." Hearing this, the old man's face suddenly tensed up. A few minutes later, much to Michael's disappointment, an unopened coffee was seen at an empty counter, with the old man nowhere to be seen.   

    It was a dark foggy morning, and a man in a black tuxedo gets out of a maroon Rolls-Royce. Driven by a craving for revenge, Henry C. Gatz walks into the lifeless mansion in search of something, anything. Flickering lights, torn paintings, and broken wineglasses decorate the halls and floors. Walking out into the moonlight garden, Gatz sees a green light on the distant horizon. If only they never left, then I could sleep in peace. Immersed in his thoughts, Gatz was abruptly interrupted by a silent wind delivering a crumpled up yellow parchment to his feet. Opening it, he reads "Tom Buchanan" in big bold letters. A few minutes later, a Rolls-Royce could be seen cruising through the silent roads of East Egg.




  1. I like how you wrote this story that focused more on Gatsby’s dad. It was interesting how you used the green light to represent something that Gatsby’s dad is missing, just like how the green light represented Gatsby’s dream, which is something that he was also missing.

  2. I like how you wrote this story from a different perspective! It really made for a creative fanfiction that was enjoyable to read!

  3. I like the possible continuation of the story from an unusal perspective of Gatsby's dad. In the actual novel we don't get to see a lot of Henry and this was really creative.


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