Violence and its effects
This week we analyzed Videotape by Don DeLillo. Reading this piece made me realize how much violence we see every day, especially through social media apps like Instagram, and what its effects really are. Instagram is arguably one of the most addictive and popular social media platforms. It is through this app that we see so many events being played out, events ranging from sports to death of individuals (like in the Videotape). Me personally, I see at least 5 car crashes daily. In fact, I see something like this so often that it feels weird to go a couple of days without seeing an Insta reel where someone is dying. Looking at this, we see that violence is becoming an increasingly common thing to be witnessed in our daily lives. The effect of this is not people becoming scared, but rather them underestimating the precariousness of life. It is human nature that when you see something every day, you consider it to be normal and not of signif...